Buddhism (Dhammapada)

Chapter 1 - Verse 3-5

“She abused me, he beat me, she defeated me, he robbed me.” In those who harbor such thoughts, hatred will never cease. “She abused me, he beat me, she defeated me, he robbed me.” In those who do not harbor such thoughts, hatred will cease. For never does hatred cease by hatred at any time. Hatred ceased by love. This is an eternal law.

The key to unlock evils plaguing humanity has been staring at you in the aforementioned verses since time immemorial and yet it is missed. All that one needs is to show a tinge of self-discipline to stand against the inherent inertia of mara slumbering within to pick the key and unlock the gates of this self-imposed confinement.

Man in his power and listening to his false self has formulated all kinds of divine and secular laws to end conflict with others and self to no avail. The truth that all our problems are basically spiritual problems stemming from our hardened beliefs created from our false selves and not awareness is always lost.

The belief of ceasing hatred with love rather than eye for an eye is what needs to be adopted, if ending conflict is what we truly desire.

Further, the additional supplement belief to be ingrained is - that we are not anybody’s victim, and that we have the ability to access the higher side of our nature that is above the pleasure of petty conflicts and distress of everyday life.

The key words in the verse is ‘who harbor such thoughts’, starting today, take the first step towards liberation, control your thoughts and eventually your life. Use the master key of Buddhism listed below.

Chapter 1 – Verse 1
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought…”

Start today! Control your thoughts, control your mind and design who you are.


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